Title: Environment Setup
I recently got a new computer at work so figured it would be a good opportunity to document the setup process. Specifically, what tools I installed and any hiccups I came across.
Surprisingly the first steps I took were
- Start installing Brew
- This takes awhile so while it runs I went off to install GUI apps and the next two steps
- Install iTerm + ohmyzsh/powerlevel10k
- Copy paste over ~/.zshrc file from old computer
Once brew finished installing I then installed:
- PyEnv - A great python version manager (I've quit conda)
- gh - Github CLI tool. Logging in as easy as "gh auth login"
- gum - An awesome shell tool from Charmbracelet that injects interactivity into your scripts
- asdf - Used for controlling terraform versions in our repos.
- aws - An essential.
- jq - CLI json parser extraordinaire
- kubectl - Another essential.
That's it! It was surprisingly simple to get up and running.